Plain UI 0.3

Plain UI is currently under development, Styles, Names and Documentation may change until Release!

Plain UI is a simple UI Framework. The Layout is inpired by minimalistc UI from NASA and MS-DOS. The Idea behind this is a more Science related Layout, that has clear Colors and simple Patterns. All the Fancy Gloomy Shiny UI you know from other Frameworks, thats not what you find here.

Plain UI



npm install @tentakelfabrik/plain-ui --save


Plain UI is build by Laravel-Mix. For this Site also PurgeCSS was used. This is Important to reduce the amount of Helper-Classes. For Laravel-Mix there is also a Wrapper available.

mix .setPublicPath('./public') .sass('src/scss/plain-ui.scss', 'public/plain-ui.css') .purgeCss({ extend: { enabled: true, content: [ path.join(__dirname, 'public/*.html'), ] } })



This is mainly done by normalize.css with a few Modification.


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<div class="content"> <p> Y'know this time it wasn't my fault. The Doc set all of his clocks twenty-five minutes slow. Listen, this is very important, I forgot my video camera, could you stop by my place and pick it up on your way to the mall? whoa, this is it, this is the part coming up, Doc. I'm really gonna miss you. Doc, about the future- Thank you, don't forget to take a flyer. </p> <p> Dear Doctor Brown, on the night that I go back in time, you will be shot by terrorists. Please take whatever precautions are necessary to prevent this terrible disaster. Your friend, Marty. Well, safe and sound, now, n good old 1955. I've gotta go. Look, George, I'm telling you George, if you do not ask Lorraine to that dance, I'm gonna regret it for the rest of my life. Hey George, heard you laid out Biff, nice going. </p> <ul> <li>item 1</li> <li> item 2 <ul> <li>child item 1</li> <li>child item 2</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ol> <li>item 1</li> <li>item 2</li> </ol> <dl> <dt>defined title 1</dt> <dd>defined item 1</dd> </dl> <blockquote> I'm telling you George, if you do not ask Lorraine to that dance, I'm gonna regret it for the rest of my life. Hey George, heard you laid out Biff, nice going. </blockquote> <mark>Mark</mark> </div>

Y'know this time it wasn't my fault. The Doc set all of his clocks twenty-five minutes slow. Listen, this is very important, I forgot my video camera, could you stop by my place and pick it up on your way to the mall? whoa, this is it, this is the part coming up, Doc. I'm really gonna miss you. Doc, about the future- Thank you, don't forget to take a flyer.

Dear Doctor Brown, on the night that I go back in time, you will be shot by terrorists. Please take whatever precautions are necessary to prevent this terrible disaster. Your friend, Marty. Well, safe and sound, now, n good old 1955. I've gotta go. Look, George, I'm telling you George, if you do not ask Lorraine to that dance, I'm gonna regret it for the rest of my life. Hey George, heard you laid out Biff, nice going.

  • item 1
  • item 2
    • child item 1
    • child item 2
  1. item 1
  2. item 2
defined title 1
defined item 1
I'm telling you George, if you do not ask Lorraine to that dance, I'm gonna regret it for the rest of my life. Hey George, heard you laid out Biff, nice going.