You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

223 lines
4.6 KiB

# Site-O-Mat Webpack Plugin
A Webpack Plugin for generating a Website as Html-Files from a Markdown-File Structure.
Why? The Main reason i had to update some Websites, but realize there were no benefit
to use a Full CMS or Headless CMS like Directus. Rendering the same pages that a rarely updated
seems like a waste of energy. Why not generate from a hierarchical file structure. Luckily i
i had development a CMS, a few years ago, that runs on Markdown Files it had been never
finished, it was a proof of concept.
## Roadmap
Next will be,
* Some Tests
* Filtering for Queries
* Standalone, handle Webpack only as wrapper
Maybe later,
* Integrate Eta.js and LiquidJS
* Hooks for handle generic content
## Installation
Setup this registry in your project .npmrc file:
Install with npm or yarn
npm i --save-dev @helpers/siteomat-webpack-plugin
yarn add --dev @helpers/siteomat-webpack-plugin
## Configuration
Basic Usage:
const SiteomatWebpackPlugin = require('siteomat-webpack-plugin')
plugins: [
new SiteomatWebpackPlugin(
Add options:
plugins: [
new SiteomatWebpackPlugin(
| Name | Type | Default | Description |
| destination | {String} | null | If not set, it will use the public path |
| htmlMinify | {Boolean} | true | Minify Html and remove all Whitespace |
## Pages
Pages are Markdown-Files, they are separates in two parts. First part is a yaml-Section,
title: "health goth DIY tattooed"
view: "home.njk"
description: "La"
src: "_images/test.jpeg"
alt: "cold-pressed"
The yaml-Section will be parsed as an Object and available in the Templates. The
second part of the File will be parsed as Markdown, but it could be also empty.
Default type for Pages is **html**.
## Nesting
A Page can be a single Markdown-File, or a Directory with a index-File inside.
The Name of a file or a directory will the name of the html-File. To create Sub-pages,
create Sub-directories.
This Structure,
will be,
## Blocks
Each Page can have Blocks. Blocks are like Pages, but they are only accessible
for a single Page. To add Blocks to a page, add a "_blocks"-Directory
to the Directory of the Page.
Markdown-Files in a "_blocks"-Directory will be automatic accessible for a Page. The yaml-Section is Optional.
Blocks will be Grouped by there name, and sorted by the number at the end. The "hero"-Files
can be used like this,
{% hero in page.blocks.hero %}
{{ hero.content }}
{% endFor %}
## Queries
Queries can be used in Templates to get Pages.
### Pages
Basic Usage:
or with options,
| Name | Type | Default | Description |
| parent | {String} | / | Directory for start query |
| deep | {Integer} | -1 | Deep of Recursive |
| orderBy | {Array} | null | Name of field sorting, a "-" in front of the. Nested fields are also possible. |
| limit | {Integer} | null | Limit results |
| filter | {Object} | null | Filtering results by Fields in yaml |
#### Filter
Basic Usage:
<fieldname>: {
<operator>: <value>
| Name | Description |
| _eq | Equal Value |
## Sitemap
Sitemap will be generating by Pages. Pages will be only add to Sitemap, if the have meta-robots is set
to "index". Pages default is "index".
## Templates
At this Time only [](Nunjunks) is used for Templating.
### Nunjunks
#### Functions
##### asset(path)
This function handle manifest-File from [](Laravel-Mix).
<script src="{{ asset('js/app.js') }}"></script>
#### Filters
##### resize
The Filter is using [](sharp), for crop, resize and
optimize Images. The Filter needs a relative Path in the File Structure.
Basic Usage:
{% page.teaser.src | resize({ 'width': '300' }) %}
Add options:
{% page.teaser.src | resize({ 'width': '300' }, { sigma: 2 }) %}