You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import validate from 'validate.js'
import serialize from 'form-serialize'
* Form Validator with RiotJS Components
* @author HerrHase
* @
class FormValidator
* @param {[type]} formSelector [description]
* @param {[type]} constraits [description]
constructor(formSelector, constraits, onSuccess)
// getting selector to find form-element
this.formSelector = formSelector
// constraits for validate.js
this.constraits = constraits
// adding onSuccess
this._onSuccess = onSuccess
// if form not found
if (!this._onSuccess) {
console.error('FormValidator: onSuccess not found!')
// get form and elements
this.form = document.querySelector(this.formSelector)
// if form not found
if (!this.form) {
console.error('FormValidator: form not found!')
this.elements = this.form.querySelectorAll('field-error')
// adding submit event
this.form.addEventListener('submit', (event) => {
// adding event if a element is updated
this.form.addEventListener('field-update', (event) => {
* handle submit
* @param {Event} event
// getting data from target of submit event
const data = serialize(, {
hash: true
// options for validate.js
const options = {
fullMessages: false
validate.async(data, this.constraits, options).then(
// handling success
() => {
this._onSuccess(event, data)
// handling error
(errors) => {
// send each element a event
this.elements.forEach((element) => {
let elementErrors = false
// check for errors by name
if (errors[]) {
elementErrors = errors[]
this._dispatchCustomEvent(elementErrors, element)
* send update to fields
* @param {Event} event
// workaround, make sure that value for single is undefined if it is empty
if (event.detail.value == '') {
event.detail.value = undefined
let errors = validate.single(event.detail.value, this.constraits[])
// search for element by name and dispatch event
this.elements.forEach((element) => {
if ( == {
this._dispatchCustomEvent(errors, element)
* dispatch event to single element
* @param {Array} errors
* @param {Element} element
_dispatchCustomEvent(errors, element)
let detail = false
if (errors) {
detail = errors
const formValidationEvent = new CustomEvent('form-validation', {
'detail': detail
export default FormValidator