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* Spacing
* creates margin and padding for each direction and for each breakpont
* @author Björn Hase,
* @license The MIT License
* @link
$spacing-direction: (
) !default;
$spacing-gap: 0.25 !default;
$spacing-steps: 10 !default;
* mixin: spacing for single padding or margin
@mixin spacing($class, $style, $name, $value, $direction: null)
@if ($direction != null) {
$class: $class + '-' + $direction;
$style: $style + '-' + $direction;
.#{$class}-#{$name} {
#{$style}: $value;
* mixin: spacing for each breakpoint
@mixin spacing_breakpoints($class, $style, $i, $value, $direction: null)
@include media-xs() {
@include spacing($class, $style, 'xs-' + $i, $value, $direction);
@include media-sm() {
@include spacing($class, $style, 'sm-' + $i, $value, $direction);
@include media-md() {
@include spacing($class, $style, 'md-' + $i, $value, $direction);
@include media-lg() {
@include spacing($class, $style, 'lg-' + $i, $value, $direction);
@include media-xlg() {
@include spacing($class, $style, 'xlg-' + $i, $value, $direction);
.marginless {
margin: 0;
.paddingless {
padding: 0;
.m-last-child-0 {
> *:last-child {
margin: 0;
.m-top-last-child-0 {
> *:last-child {
margin-top: 0;
.m-bottom-last-child-0 {
> *:last-child {
margin-bottom: 0;
@include spacing('m', 'margin', 0, 0);
@include spacing('m', 'margin', 1, 1px);
@for $i from 2 through $spacing-steps {
$value: $spacing-gap * factor($i - 1) * 1rem;
@include spacing('m', 'margin', $i, $value);
@include spacing_breakpoints('m', 'margin', $i, $value);
@each $direction in $spacing-direction
@include spacing('m', 'margin', 0, 0, $direction);
@include spacing_breakpoints('m', 'margin', 0, 0, $direction);
@include spacing('m', 'margin', 1, 1px, $direction);
@include spacing_breakpoints('m', 'margin', 1, 1px, $direction);
@for $i from 2 through $spacing-steps {
$value: $spacing-gap * factor($i - 1) * 1rem;
@include spacing('m', 'margin', $i, $value, $direction);
@include spacing_breakpoints('m', 'margin', $i, $value, $direction);
@include spacing('p', 'padding', 0, 0);
@include spacing('p', 'padding', 1, 1px);
@for $i from 0 through $spacing-steps {
$value: $spacing-gap * factor($i - 1) * 1rem;
@include spacing('p', 'padding', $i, $value);
@include spacing_breakpoints('p', 'padding', $i, $value);
@each $direction in $spacing-direction
@include spacing('p', 'padding', 0, 0, $direction);
@include spacing_breakpoints('p', 'padding', 0, 0, $direction);
@include spacing('p', 'padding', 1, 1px, $direction);
@include spacing_breakpoints('p', 'padding', 1, 1px, $direction);
@for $i from 0 through $spacing-steps {
$value: $spacing-gap * factor($i - 1) * 1rem;
@include spacing('p', 'padding', $i, $value, $direction);
@include spacing_breakpoints('p', 'padding', $i, $value, $direction);