/** * Sizing * * Width and Height Classes, * Sizes with percentage will calculate with the Reflex Grid * * */ $sizing_steps: 50 !default; /** * mixin: sizing * */ @mixin sizing($class, $style, $i, $value) { .#{$class}-#{$i} { #{$style}: $value; } } /** * mixin: sizing for each breakpoint * * */ @mixin sizing_breakpoints($class, $style, $i, $value) { @include media-xs() { @include sizing($class, $style, 'xs-' + $i, $value); } @include media-sm() { @include sizing($class, $style, 'sm-' + $i, $value); } @include media-md() { @include sizing($class, $style, 'md-' + $i, $value); } @include media-lg() { @include sizing($class, $style, 'lg-' + $i, $value); } @include media-xlg() { @include sizing($class, $style, 'xlg-' + $i, $value); } } .w-0 { width: 0; } .h-0 { height: 0; } .w-1 { width: 1px;} .h-1 { height: 1px; } .w-100 { width: 100%; } .h-100 { height: 100%; } @for $i from 1 through $reflex-columns { $value: percentage(($i / $reflex-columns)); @include sizing('w-col', 'width', $i, $value); @include sizing_breakpoints('w-col', 'width', $i, $value); $value: percentage(($i / $reflex-columns)); @include sizing('h-col', 'height', $i, $value); @include sizing_breakpoints('h-col', 'height', $i, $value); } @for $i from 1 through $sizing_steps { $value: #{($i * 0.5)}rem; @include sizing('w', 'width', $i, $value); @include sizing_breakpoints('w', 'width', $i, $value); } @for $i from 1 through $sizing_steps { $value: #{($i * 0.5)}rem; @include sizing('h', 'height', $i, $value); @include sizing_breakpoints('h', 'height', $i, $value); }