# Mono Icons The Mono icon font is a simple, consistent open-source icon set designed to be used in a wide variety of digital products. View the full set of Mono Icons at https://icons.mono.company/ ## Usage ### Use SVG You can download the whole set of SVG icons or selected items on https://icons.mono.company/. Designers can make a Figma duplicate or click the copy SVG button to copy and paste icons in design files. ### Use Webfont #### Installation ```shell npm install mono-icons ``` Import the icons.css file. #### CDN Copy the following code and add it to the `head` tag of your html document. ```html ``` #### Manually Download icons.css file, add it to the `head` tag of your html document. #### Use Add icon with the correct classname. The classname consists of "mi-iconName". You can find the correct icon names at https://icons.mono.company/. ```html ``` ## License & attribution Mono icons are MIT licensed. Use them freely - an attribution link to https://icons.mono.company would be nice but is not necessary.