# Tiny Components - confirm Created with [Riot.js](https://riot.js.org) and using [Plain-UI](https://plain-ui.com) and [Observable](https://github.com/riot/observable) A small modal to confirm or cancel an Action. ![demo](src/example.gif) ## Install ``` npm install @tiny-components\confirm --save ``` ## You can use it like this Add tiny-confirm globally in an App. Open and Closing will be done by store.js ``` import TinyConfirm from './confirm.riot' riot.register('tiny-confirm', TinyConfirm) riot.mount('tiny-confirm') ``` ``` ``` Use a function to open tiny-confirm and callbacks. "Cancel" is optional. ``` handleOpen() { // open store.trigger('open', { title: 'Question', content: 'Are you sure?' }) // handle confirm store.confirm(() => { }) // handle cancel store.cancel(() => { }) }, ```