import nunjucks from 'nunjucks' import { minify } from 'html-minifier' import { asset, media } from './helpers/engine.js' /** * engine - handle eta.js * * @author Björn Hase * @license The MIT License * @link * */ class Engine { constructor(views, site, options) { // merge options this._options = Object.assign({}, { autoescapes: true, throwOnUndefined: true }, options) this.nunjucks = nunjucks.configure(views, this._options) this.nunjucks.addFilter('media', function(options) { return media(options) }) // adding defaults for view, function and data from config.yml this._defaults = { site: site, asset: asset } } /** * render * * @param {string} view * @param {object} data * @return {string} * */ render(view, data) { data = Object.assign({}, data, this._defaults) return minify(this.nunjucks.render(view, data), { removeComments: true, collapseWhitespace: true }) } } export default Engine