const yaml = require('js-yaml') const { marked } = require('marked') const configStore = require('./../config.js') const renderer = require('./../marked/renderer.js') /** * parse string of file, parse yaml and parse markdown * * @author Björn Hase * @license The MIT License * @link * */ function parseMarkdownFile(fileString, dirPath = '') { // regex get yaml section and markdown // thanks to, const regex = new RegExp(/^(---\n(.+?)\n---){0,}(.*)$/gs) const matches = regex.exec(fileString) const result = { fields: undefined, content: '' } // check if yaml section not exists throw error if (matches?.[2]) { try { result.fields = yaml.load(matches[2]) } catch (error) { throw new Error('Yaml has errors!') } } // if markdown section exits parse it to html 6565 if (matches?.[3]) { // reset configStore configStore.set('markedDirPath', false) // check for dirPath and set it to configStore for marked/renderer.js if (dirPath || dirPath === '') { configStore.set('markedDirPath', dirPath) } marked.use({ renderer }) result.content = marked.parse(matches[3]) } return result } module.exports = parseMarkdownFile