HerrHase 3 years ago
parent ca1fd41498
commit aeb838134a

@ -47,6 +47,29 @@ collections:
comment: ''
collation: utf8_general_ci
engine: InnoDB
- collection: site
collection: site
icon: null
note: null
display_template: null
hidden: false
singleton: true
translations: null
archive_field: null
archive_app_filter: true
archive_value: null
unarchive_value: null
sort_field: null
accountability: all
color: null
item_duplication_fields: null
name: site
schema: db787832552465385
comment: ''
collation: utf8_general_ci
engine: InnoDB
- collection: snippets
collection: snippets
@ -166,12 +189,12 @@ fields:
special: null
interface: select-dropdown-m2o
template: "{{title}} /\_{{slug}}"
template: '{{title}}'
display: raw
display_options: null
readonly: false
hidden: false
sort: 4
sort: null
width: full
group: null
translations: null
@ -252,6 +275,83 @@ fields:
note: null
conditions: null
required: false
- collection: site
field: logo
type: string
name: logo
table: site
data_type: char
default_value: null
generation_expression: null
max_length: 36
numeric_precision: null
numeric_scale: null
is_generated: false
is_nullable: true
is_unique: false
is_primary_key: false
has_auto_increment: false
foreign_key_column: id
foreign_key_table: directus_files
comment: ''
collection: site
field: logo
special: null
interface: file-image
options: null
display: image
circle: true
readonly: false
hidden: false
sort: 5
width: full
group: null
translations: null
note: null
conditions: null
required: false
- collection: site
field: user_updated
type: string
name: user_updated
table: site
data_type: char
default_value: null
generation_expression: null
max_length: 36
numeric_precision: null
numeric_scale: null
is_generated: false
is_nullable: true
is_unique: false
is_primary_key: false
has_auto_increment: false
foreign_key_column: id
foreign_key_table: directus_users
comment: ''
collection: site
field: user_updated
- user-updated
interface: select-dropdown-m2o
template: '{{avatar.$thumbnail}} {{first_name}} {{last_name}}'
display: user
display_options: null
readonly: true
hidden: true
sort: 2
width: half
group: null
translations: null
note: null
conditions: null
required: false
- collection: snippets
field: file
type: string
@ -477,7 +577,7 @@ fields:
display_options: null
readonly: true
hidden: true
sort: 6
sort: 5
width: half
group: null
translations: null
@ -516,7 +616,7 @@ fields:
display_options: null
readonly: true
hidden: true
sort: 8
sort: 7
width: half
group: null
translations: null
@ -707,7 +807,7 @@ fields:
display_options: null
readonly: true
hidden: true
sort: 1
sort: null
width: full
group: null
translations: null
@ -751,6 +851,43 @@ fields:
note: null
conditions: null
required: false
- collection: site
field: id
type: integer
name: id
table: site
data_type: int unsigned
default_value: null
generation_expression: null
max_length: null
numeric_precision: 10
numeric_scale: 0
is_generated: false
is_nullable: false
is_unique: false
is_primary_key: true
has_auto_increment: true
foreign_key_column: null
foreign_key_table: null
comment: ''
collection: site
field: id
special: null
interface: input
options: null
display: null
display_options: null
readonly: true
hidden: true
sort: 1
width: full
group: null
translations: null
note: null
conditions: null
required: false
- collection: snippets
field: id
type: uuid
@ -1088,7 +1225,48 @@ fields:
display_options: null
readonly: false
hidden: false
sort: 2
sort: null
width: full
group: null
translations: null
note: If empty and page is set, it will show title of page
conditions: null
required: false
- collection: menu_items
field: target
type: string
name: target
table: menu_items
data_type: varchar
default_value: null
generation_expression: null
max_length: 255
numeric_precision: null
numeric_scale: null
is_generated: false
is_nullable: true
is_unique: false
is_primary_key: false
has_auto_increment: false
foreign_key_column: null
foreign_key_table: null
comment: ''
collection: menu_items
field: target
special: null
interface: select-dropdown
- text: New Tab
value: _blank
allowNone: true
display: raw
display_options: null
readonly: false
hidden: false
sort: null
width: full
group: null
translations: null
@ -1126,19 +1304,56 @@ fields:
display_options: null
readonly: false
hidden: false
sort: 5
sort: null
width: full
group: null
translations: null
note: null
conditions: null
required: false
- collection: menu_items
field: target
- collection: menus_menu_items
field: sort
type: integer
name: sort
table: menus_menu_items
data_type: int
default_value: null
generation_expression: null
max_length: null
numeric_precision: 10
numeric_scale: 0
is_generated: false
is_nullable: true
is_unique: false
is_primary_key: false
has_auto_increment: false
foreign_key_column: null
foreign_key_table: null
comment: ''
collection: menus_menu_items
field: sort
special: null
interface: null
options: null
display: null
display_options: null
readonly: false
hidden: true
sort: null
width: full
group: null
translations: null
note: null
conditions: null
required: false
- collection: site
field: title
type: string
name: target
table: menu_items
name: title
table: site
data_type: varchar
default_value: null
generation_expression: null
@ -1154,15 +1369,12 @@ fields:
foreign_key_table: null
comment: ''
collection: menu_items
field: target
collection: site
field: title
special: null
interface: select-dropdown
interface: input
- text: New tab
value: _blank
allowOther: true
trim: true
display: raw
display_options: null
readonly: false
@ -1174,6 +1386,44 @@ fields:
note: null
conditions: null
required: false
- collection: site
field: description
type: string
name: description
table: site
data_type: varchar
default_value: null
generation_expression: null
max_length: 255
numeric_precision: null
numeric_scale: null
is_generated: false
is_nullable: true
is_unique: false
is_primary_key: false
has_auto_increment: false
foreign_key_column: null
foreign_key_table: null
comment: ''
collection: site
field: description
special: null
interface: input
trim: true
display: raw
display_options: null
readonly: false
hidden: false
sort: 4
width: full
group: null
translations: null
note: null
conditions: null
required: false
- collection: snippets
field: status
type: string
@ -1668,7 +1918,7 @@ fields:
relative: true
readonly: true
hidden: true
sort: 7
sort: 6
width: half
group: null
translations: null
@ -1707,7 +1957,7 @@ fields:
relative: true
readonly: true
hidden: true
sort: 9
sort: 8
width: half
group: null
translations: null
@ -2041,7 +2291,7 @@ fields:
- m2m
interface: list-m2m
template: '{{menu_items_id.title}} / {{}}'
template: '{{menu_items_id.title}}{{}}'
display: raw
display_options: null
readonly: false
@ -2053,6 +2303,28 @@ fields:
note: null
conditions: null
required: false
- collection: menu_items
field: menus
type: m2m
schema: null
collection: menu_items
field: menus
- m2m
interface: list-m2m
options: null
display: null
display_options: null
readonly: false
hidden: true
sort: null
width: full
group: null
translations: null
note: null
conditions: null
required: false
- collection: menu_items
field: page
@ -2064,7 +2336,7 @@ relations:
foreign_key_column: id
constraint_name: menu_items_page_foreign
on_update: RESTRICT
on_delete: SET NULL
on_delete: CASCADE
many_collection: menu_items
many_field: page
@ -2090,7 +2362,7 @@ relations:
many_collection: menus_menu_items
many_field: menu_items_id
one_collection: menu_items
one_field: null
one_field: menus
one_collection_field: null
one_allowed_collections: null
junction_field: menus_id
@ -2115,6 +2387,48 @@ relations:
one_collection_field: null
one_allowed_collections: null
junction_field: menu_items_id
sort_field: sort
one_deselect_action: delete
- collection: site
field: logo
related_collection: directus_files
table: site
column: logo
foreign_key_table: directus_files
foreign_key_column: id
constraint_name: site_logo_foreign
on_update: RESTRICT
on_delete: RESTRICT
many_collection: site
many_field: logo
one_collection: directus_files
one_field: null
one_collection_field: null
one_allowed_collections: null
junction_field: null
sort_field: null
one_deselect_action: nullify
- collection: site
field: user_updated
related_collection: directus_users
table: site
column: user_updated
foreign_key_table: directus_users
foreign_key_column: id
constraint_name: site_user_updated_foreign
on_update: RESTRICT
on_delete: RESTRICT
many_collection: site
many_field: user_updated
one_collection: directus_users
one_field: null
one_collection_field: null
one_allowed_collections: null
junction_field: null
sort_field: null
one_deselect_action: nullify
- collection: snippets
