# Potato launcher There are many Launchers for Desktops and they are all fancy. But this one is damn simple, no fancy dancy functions only add Apps from your file system or use commands. Each entry can have a description, tags and also an image. Easy Filtering and Sort by name or last Time you started a App. This Launcher used [Electron](https://www.electronjs.org/), [Riot.js](https://riot.js.org/), [Plain UI](https://plain-ui.com) and [Pouchdb](https://pouchdb.com/). ## Why Electron? Electron was not the first choice, but it works, and with [Electron Forge](https://www.electronforge.io/) there many possibilities for deploying. But Electron is also known for his need of resources. But there is a Branch for [neutralino.js](https://neutralino.js.org/), there will be another attempt to use neutralino.js, because it is more lightweight. ## Next Goals * Keyboard- and Controller-Support for navigation * Kiosk-Mode lastModified: 1649156637854 lastModifiedDate: Tue Apr 05 2022 13:03:57 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time) {} name: "image001.png" path: "/home/herrhase/image001.png" size: 71577 type: "image/png" webkitRelativePath: ""